How to unfold a Razor scooter (the best easy tips)

Although the scooters were intended for young riders, their acceptance and appeal among seniors have risen.

Both children’s and adult kick scooters come equipped with levers that can be utilized to help you unfold the device when you’ve finished using it. One of the key factors contributing to their appeal is this.

Razor scooters may be folded and unfolded most practically, and we will show you how to do so in this article today.

Razor electric scooter for the family

Despite it can cause some problems with folding and unfolding the scooter. This type of scooter is known as the most convenient and less expensive type of scooter for families.

The range of the price on most Razor scooters is between $200-1000. It reaches speeds up to 15 mph. Some of the greatest scooters for kids are made by well-known brands like Micro and Razor.

How to manage it?

A Razor scooter can be opened up in three steps. The clamp bolt that is attached to the T-bar must first be loosened. Pulling up on the T-bar until the scooter is fully extended is the second stage. Retightening the clamp bolt is the third and final procedure.

Pushing the two-wheeled, foldable Razor scooter off the ground allows it to go. Both adults and children use it frequently as a form of transportation.

Razor scooters are popular because they are inexpensive, simple to ride, and enjoyable.

Why might there be a problem with Razor scooters?

If you’re experiencing trouble unfolding a scooter, raise the handle section, depress the thumb lever, and another one. If there is rust, you might need to use some WD-40 in this circumstance.

There are occasions when the t-tube becomes stuck or there is a stuck lever, and you cannot raise the t-tube. Next, flip your scooter upside down. There is a push button visible. Pull the T-bar out by pushing it in. Then swap it out!

Troubleshooting tips

Unfortunately, if your scooter hasn’t been unlocked yet, it’s likely because debris has stuck to the lock’s release mechanism. Check the components, clear the clutter, release levers and try again.

Fully extend the release lever to unlock the steering column

Check to see if the latch has gotten stuck. When closed, it faces downward toward the front wheel. Raise it so that it is pointing in the direction of the handlebars. If the clasp doesn’t open, folding the scooter won’t be simple.

Making handlebar adjustments

Make sure the steering column is as far away from the handlebars as you can get it.

The handlebar release buttons must be depressed firmly before being pulled as far as possible from the steering column. Keep in mind to maintain a level handlebar to footpad contact. To turn them around, release the clasp on the steering column.

If you are unable to unlock the steering column clasp and quick-release lever, folding the scooter will be difficult. To begin, wet a paper towel or cloth with warm water, then use it to wipe the surface of the lever to get rid of any debris that has gathered there.

If they are facing the footpad when you begin folding the scooter, open the steering column clasp to turn them around.

Lubricant with an oil basis to clean the metal components

Now is the moment to immediately apply WD-40 or any other cleaning solution on the levers to improve their functionality. Spray the levers with WD-40 or another cleaning agent to get them working again.

How is your Razor electric scooter unfolded?

Start by raising one end of the frame while holding on to the handlebars. Then, with your other hand, remove the scooter from the casing after it has been unfurled. Keep an eye on your fingertips.

You must act folding a Razor scooter in reverse order to unfold one. To unfold your Razor scooter, just adhere to these easy instructions.

Find the right place

There are precise stages you must follow to unfold the scooter securely; therefore, you must choose the ideal location. The optimal location is typically next to a door or an exit, so you can easily leave when you’re done.

Take hold of the scooter’s T-tube

Start by placing your hands on the scooter’s T-tube. The entire process begins with this phase. Make sure the procedure is understood completely to prevent structural damage and other risks.

Push the footrest down

The footrest must then be pressed down. To achieve this, use either your left or right hand. Begin by applying light pressure, then gradually increase the pressure as necessary.

It is necessary to keep in mind that some scooters are fragile; therefore, it is crucial to proceed with caution. Before moving on to the following stage, make sure the scooter is folded correctly.

Pull up the joint release lever

Drag the lever upward in the following step. However, some level of knowledge or experience may be needed for this. Therefore, if you don’t have the requisite training or experience, it’s best to avoid it.

Make time to practice the aforementioned methods if you want to be an expert at folding and unfolding a Razor scooter; doing so will only help you grow better over time.

The scooter can be folded and opened when necessary. We advise looking for assistance as necessary.

This will guarantee a flawless outcome and thorough execution of the entire process. So fold, unfold, and ride your kick scooter to enjoy all of its wonderful advantages.

A different way to open a Razor scooter

The discussed unfolding process should function for the majority of Razor scooters. Few scooters, meanwhile, call for a somewhat different unfolding procedure. Down below, we’ll walk you through the procedure.

Twist the throttle

The throttle of the Razor scooter is turned first to start the process. On both sides of the scooter, this needs to be done. The scooter may be unfolded and opened by turning it.

Once more, it’s advisable to start with a little force and then gradually increase it if necessary.

Make handlebar adjustments

Depending on the scooter model, you might need to raise or lower the handlebar. In any case, you’ll need a push button or a rapid release to do the job. You must go through this process to successfully finish the upcoming assignments.

How to unfold a big wheel Razor scooter?

A scooter can be a little difficult to unfold, especially if you’re not used to the big wheel design. This is how you do it:

  • Remove the brake lever and handlebar.
  • Slide the front wheel off the axle to release it.
  • Slide the back wheel off the axle to reveal it.
  • Pulling on the spokes of the front and back wheels will spread them apart as you lift them, so they are flat on their sides.
  • Replace the brake lever and the handlebar, then secure all the scooter’s exposed surfaces with clamps or tape.

Other tips to go

Always make sure you generally abide by the instructions in your Razor scooter’s manual. By doing this, you can avoid harming it.

The second thing is to take a deep breath and realize that you can’t fix your scooter.

The best course of action would be to call a qualified technician for assistance if you are unsure of what is truly going on with your scooter.

Finally, always be sure to use your scooter as efficiently as you can. Once you have found out how to fold the scooter, you should also take the time necessary to learn how to unfold it properly.

How to fold the scooter?

You learned about how to unfold a scooter, and now how to fold a scooter properly? Once you are convinced that the scooter is sufficiently secure on the ground, release the lock mechanism.

You must now place your foot directly on the foot-stand, in between the wheels. Pressing your foot downward while holding the handlebars with your hands will help you generate greater motion.

Adjustments can be made to the front portion of the scooter, which connects the footpads and features a handle. Use a spherical piece of metal that extends halfway down the handlebars.

You can quickly adjust the scooter using the clasp that makes up one portion of the lever.

The rear portion of the scooter handlebar has a little button. When you are immediately on the scooter, the button is located in front of you. Pushing the buttons and pulling the grip away from the scooter’s other components are required. On the opposite side of the grip, repeat this procedure.

The steering column can be adjusted after the clasp has been unfastened. You must press down the handlebars with your right hand while holding the steering column in the other hand to begin the folding procedure.

The column will progressively fall into the main portion of the scooter. The steering column will then be securely in place as you close the clasp.

You must flip the scooter once you have moved away from it.

Use the other hand to reach the joint-release lever once the steering column has stopped moving. It is situated next to the column that connects to the footpad in front of the wheel. To disengage the lock mechanism, turn the lever to the opposite side.

When the scooter is rotated, all of its components immediately fold up, making it simple for you to move it.

In closing: How to unfold a Razor scooter?

The next time you need to unfold your scooter, just follow these easy steps on how to unfold a Razor scooter, and you’ll be on your way in no time. If you faced a problem with a stuck scooter, also see the section here on it.

A stuck scooter can be managed or visit the service shop instead. Before riding, make sure the scooter is locked in the unfolded position. And for your protection, always skate while wearing a helmet. Now go out and enjoy yourself.


  • Why won’t my Razor scooter unfold?

You must hold the scooters in a very certain way to fold and unfold a Razor scooter. Place the scooter on the ground before unfolding it. Push the joint release lever down while keeping the deck steady with your foot. To avoid troubles with unfolding, follow the tips and details in the article.

If you need to read about electric scooters street-legal, please read our article.

Bryan O’neal
Bryan O’Neal/ author of the article

I am engaged in the fact that for many years I have been dismantling and studying electrical engineering. I want to say right away that I am not a beginner, and not self-taught.

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