You are taking your brand-new electric scooter for a spin when all of a sudden it turns off. You give it another go, but it just will not move. Can you imagine what the issue could be? Is there a reason why, when riding, electric scooters turn off?
Common reasons an electric scooter shuts off while riding
There are a few common electric scooter problems causing them abruptly shut off while you’re riding them.
If your electric scooter turns off while you’re trying to accelerate, it could be because of several different reasons. One possibility is that the battery is running low and needs to be recharged. It could also be that there’s something wrong with the motor or the circuitry.
If your electric scooter shuts off while you’re riding it, the best thing to do is to get off of it and walk away. Do not try to ride such a scooter again until you’ve determined what the issue is and fixed it.

How to check the battery connection?
When your electric scooter shuts off unexpectedly, you should first check the electric scooter battery pack connection. Ensure the e-scooter battery pack is fully charged and the connections are tight and free of debris.
If the connections are dirty or corroded, clean them with a wire brush to get rid of any buildup, especially in an e-scooter charger port.
If the connections look good and the battery is fully charged, try moving the electric scooter to a different spot. Sometimes an electric scooter will shut off if it’s in a low-power area or if something is blocking the power connection.
Battery charger
Inspect both the battery charger and the battery charger port where the charger connects to the battery for any signs of damage. Check to see if the charger works when plugged into other outlets as a first step.
Lighting frequently indicates the presence of electricity. If the charger is not working properly, it may need to be replaced. A voltmeter will be used to check the charger’s output. Also, check the electrical voltage in your home before purchasing a new e-scooter charger to avoid damaging the charger or the scooter.
How to troubleshoot an electric scooter power issue
If your electric scooter has suddenly shut down while you’re out riding, there could be several explanations for why. The most common cause is an issue with the power connection, as the wiring and battery may either be loose or damaged.
First, if you can access the battery, check if it’s correctly connected to the bike. If that looks fine then try to reset it by opening the battery cover and pressing and holding down the “Reset” button for 5-10 seconds until it powers back up again.
If that doesn’t work or if you don’t have a reset button you might need to replace the battery or have someone take a look at it.
Make sure they look over all of your wiring and connectors, as well as test your battery voltage levels and other systems on your bike.

What to do if your electric scooter keeps shutting off
Electric scooter turning off troubleshooting
If your electric scooter keeps shutting off unexpectedly, there are a few things you can do to try and troubleshoot the issue. First, check the connection between the battery and the motor, as it could be loose or disconnected.
You will also want to check the battery itself – if it’s not fully charged, or if it’s expired, it could cause your e-scooter to shut down.
Circuit breaker
If you are riding your e-scooter and suddenly find that it turns off or loses power, this most likely indicates that the circuit breaker that powers your scooter has been tripped. Check the temperature of your circuit breaker and look for any loose wires or signs of overheating.
Check to see that the wires have been properly fastened. The circuit breaker can be tripped by excessive loading as well as by steep inclines. After it has been stopped, wait a few seconds and then attempt to start the circuit breaker again.
Visit a repair shop and ask an expert to take a look at it so that you can eliminate the possibility of it happening again.
If none of these tips work, then you may need to take your e-scooter to a professional who can assess the issue and get it fixed up quickly. In any case, make sure that you keep your e-scooter properly maintained so that you don’t have these problems in the future!

Routine maintenance tips for electric scooters
The easiest way to keep your electric scooter in top shape and avoid sudden shutdowns is to maintain it regularly. It’s also easy to do, so you don’t have to be a mechanic or an expert in this area. Here are some tips that can help:
- Make sure the battery is fully charged before taking a ride. Most electric scooters should have an indicator light that tells you when it’s time to recharge your battery.
- Check the tires regularly for any signs of wear or damage. You should also make sure that the pressure is at the right level for optimal performance.
- Make sure the brakes are working properly before hitting the road. Test them out at low speeds and then check them again after a few rides to see if they need adjustment or replacement parts.
- Clean your electric scooter now and then with a soft cloth, warm water, and mild detergent if necessary. This will help keep it looking its best and prolong its lifetime.
Electric scooter troubleshooting
Electric scooter battery: how to fix a low or dead battery?
Keep in mind that a low battery is not necessarily dead. A completely depleted battery will not function at all, but a partially charged one will. Putting the battery back on charge should fix the latter problem.
Putting a dead battery back to use requires charging. Please be aware that charging the battery will take longer. To avoid this, make sure your battery is always fully charged. If you use an electric scooter, plug it in to charge overnight.
If you think the issue is a dead battery pack, then there are a few things you can do to try and fix it. The first thing you want to do is check the battery’s voltage using an electric scooter battery tester.
If the reading is low, then you can try giving your battery a jump start. You can use jumper cables or another e-scooter to do this, or if your scooter has a removable battery, you can also use a charger to give it a boost.
Another way to fix the issue is to replace the battery altogether if it’s beyond repair. You’ll want to make sure that you purchase the correct replacement for your e-scooter model and that it’s compatible with its voltage. After the new battery is installed, be sure to charge it fully before taking it for another ride.
How to fix a heated engine?
If your e-scooter shuts off while riding and you suspect the issue is a heated engine, the first step is to check if your engine is running too hot. To do this, feel the heat of the engine when stopped, or use a thermometer to measure it.
Some engines may get too hot due to a clogged air filter or an unusually hot enclosed area. If this is the case, make sure you adjust the airflow in your area, clean the air filter and keep an eye on your temperature gauge when riding.
Alternatively, you can let your electric scooter cool down first by turning it off. When the scooter’s controls are no longer live, you can inspect the wiring, fuse, or electrical controller.
Your electric scooter can still function despite damage to its wiring or blown fuses. However, this issue requires immediate attention from your technician. Keep off your electric scooter until it is fixed.
Faulty motor parts
It could also be because of excessive friction in your engine, which may be caused by defective or worn-out electric components. If that’s the case, you’ll need to get a mechanic’s help to take out the defective parts and replace them with new ones.
Lastly, make sure to check for issues with electrical connections in your battery and other components as these can lead to overheating as well.

Blown fuse
Problems may exist with your electric scooter if it takes a long time for it to get going after being started on flat ground. This can be fixed by checking the fuse or the speed controller. Other potential causes of speed-related issues include a blown fuse or a broken speed controller.
A blown fuse can also be the culprit. This occurs when there is an overload that the fuse cannot handle, resulting in the short-circuiting of the electrical flow. The fuse is designed to protect other parts of the scooter, like wiring or the battery, and it will blow when it senses that too much power is passing through it.
To check if this is the issue, take off the panel covering your scooter’s control board and locate a silver fuse box. Open up the box and look for a blown fuse. Consult a professional if you don’t know how to replace a fuse.
The electric scooter speed controller does not work
Speed Control: On scooters, a feature known as speed control works similarly to cruise control in automobiles; it keeps the speed within a preset range. This keeps you from traveling at an unsafely fast speed. It is also possible that the speed control will fail and cause a problem.
Perhaps you think that the accelerator of your electric scooter is the culprit here, but that’s not the case. The speed controller, which regulates speeds and can be found in all-electric scooters, could be malfunctioning.
The speed controller manages your speed and keeps it within a set range. When the speed controller does not work properly, it may not respond to changes in throttle input. This will cause your electric scooters to suddenly shut off without warning.
Other than faulty connections or battery issues, a damaged speed controller can also be causing this problem. If this is the case, you’ll need to get a new one installed to get your scooter working properly again.
You can also check the wiring of your speed controller and look for any faulty connections that may be impeding its functioning.
What to Do If the Speed Controller on Your Electric Scooter Breaks? To fix a faulty speed controller, you must take it apart. Next, you should secure any loose wires or replace any broken ones. When you are done, put it back together. Make sure you take your time putting things back together so that you do not hurt yourself.

The brakes don’t function properly
If you’ve been finding that the brakes on your electric scooter aren’t functioning properly, it could be a sign of an issue with the connection or battery.
When brakes aren’t working properly, it can cause the scooter to abruptly shut down while you’re riding. It’s important to check the brakes regularly and make sure they’re in working order.
Not only is this a safety issue, but it can also be an annoyance if you find yourself constantly getting out of your scooter and having to walk the rest of the way.
So make sure to inspect your brakes regularly for signs of wear and tear, or if there’s any debris blocking them from properly functioning. Taking these steps can help make sure that your electric scooter stays running smoothly and won’t randomly shut down!
Brake lever
Pulling on the brake lever will bring your scooter to a halt. Your scooter will be unable to move if the brake lever fails to function properly. Because of this built-in safety feature, you can only ride the scooter if the brakes work properly.
Kill switch activation
After parking, the “kill Switch” button on some electric scooters disables the scooter’s battery pack. The Kill switch allows users to power down their scooters after each ride without having to search for the key.
As a general rule, the kill switch should be engaged whenever the e-scooter is not in use or being charged. What can be done to fix a broken Kill Switch? Before assuming that the battery is dead, check to see if the kill switch is engaged. If it is on, turn it off before you try to start the car again.
Why does my electric scooter cuts out when I accelerate?
An e-scooter that does not run or accelerate at full throttle usually has a bad battery or battery pack. Between the battery and motor, your e-scooter has a speed controller.
Why do scooters suddenly stop?
Most scooters lose power due to battery failure. Occasionally, it is the motor, but there are usually signs.
What happens if an electric scooter overheats?
If the electric scooter gets too hot, it will most likely stop functioning properly.
There are a few possibilities for why this might be happening. It could be a bad connection, a battery issue, or something else. The best thing to do is to get in touch with the company and report the issue.
Read also: How to lock electric scooter: protect your vehicle