How to ride e scooter: everything you need to know

It’s a lot of fun to ride an electric scooter if you know what you’re doing! If you’ve never used an electric scooter before, all it takes is some training and practice to become proficient.

Since many of the same rules apply, riding a scooter is similar to riding a bike. You already know the fundamentals if you’ve ever ridden a non-powered scooter; all you need to practice utilizing is the throttle and brakes.

We’ll go into great depth about riding an electric scooter in this article. We’ll show you how to stand on your scooter, launch, drive, and break, as well as what to do before you ride safely. We’ll also provide you with a ton of advice on how to ride more securely and effectively. Let’s get going.

how to ride e scooter

Are electric scooters easy to ride?

A practical and entertaining way to navigate around town is on an e-scooter. They may be used on the road and, in certain circumstances, on trails, and they are a lot of fun to ride. Compared to the costs associated with cars and public transportation, they are inexpensive and straightforward to operate.

You only need to gain a rudimentary understanding of how they operate, and you’ll soon be zipping down the road.

To start, choose an open, flat, and unimpeded place to learn, such as an empty parking lot or perhaps even your garden.

E-scooters most significant disadvantage, compared to a car, is that they lack storage room, but if you only use them for quick journeys about town or to work, this won’t be a problem.

Know the general road rules

Make sure to research the e-scooter laws in your area. They may vary from state to state and country to country.

It’s critical to comprehend the fundamental guidelines if you don’t have a driver’s license because breaking them might be expensive. Running a stop sign while riding a bicycle, for instance, could result in your automobile driver’s license being suspended in Sweden.

If that occurs, picture the tears you would shed if you weren’t aware of it and believed you were safe because you were riding a bike.

Common mistakes to avoid

It is undeniable that the popularity of electric scooters as a whole has been largely due to how simple they are to use and how quickly you can learn how to handle them properly – particularly the rental models, which have limited power, speed, and features.

Here are some typical errors you should avoid as a prospective buyer of an electric scooter to assist you to handle a more powerful scooter as well as some advice to help your scooter live longer and experience less wear and tear over time.

Pushing the throttle too hard

You do not need to press or push the throttle excessively. A battery-powered vehicle may generate a lot of torque from virtually nothing. If you’re not careful, you can lose your balance and fall backward because it takes some getting accustomed. The front wheels spin easily if you use the WideWheel Pro f.e full power too soon.

When it occurs for the first time, it is rather unsettling. Knowing your e-scooter activity is important while leaning forward again. The key to modifications is smoothness.

Braking too hard

Excessive braking or panicked braking. Being gentle with the brakes is consequently a very excellent idea if you don’t want to fly over the steering wheel, use the correct braking technique.

Gradually increase pressure as it slows and slightly sags back.

You don’t want to drift onto a busy road with locked wheels while singing Jon Bon Jovi’s “Blaze of Glory” in your thoughts.

The little wheels could lock up very rapidly.

Leaning the scooter

It will feel natural to lean the e-scooter through turns, just like it does while riding a bike. Although falling is less likely due to the lower center of gravity, the same concept for cornering on two wheels still applies.

Use the kick-scooter position. Put your weak leg on the scooter’s deck with your foot forward. Lean forward while maintaining a firm grip on the steering wheel. Put your strong leg on the deck behind your weak leg once you start moving.

You’ll be able to maintain balance and reduce your size by doing this.

However, if you lean too much, you risk catching some gravel or losing balance and falling.

Turning the steering wheel too far

The steering wheel is simple to turn because of the compact wheels. However, if you accelerate too quickly and violently, the front wheel will serve as an instant brake, which could cause a dead halt. Be cautious when jerky steering is used.

On a bad day…

“There are two types of scooter riders in the world, the ones who have fallen, and the ones who have not fallen yet”, goes a motorcycle proverb. You run the risk of falling if you ride anything with two wheels, including a bicycle or an electronic scooter.

How well-prepared you are for it will depend on how severe it will be. Risk can be reduced by riding sensibly and wearing safety gear, but even the greatest riders occasionally make mistakes. Or perhaps another person will strike you.

The path is blocked by a bike, automobiles, pedestrians, etc. In the event of an accident, first, check to see if you are okay. Look for any damage.

Concerning your scooter, don’t worry. They are replaceable. The most serious concern is head damage. Get checked out right away if there are any indications of even a minor head injury.

How to ride an electric scooter – tips for inexperienced riders

The power button on the steering wheel or console may be necessary to start an electric scooter, depending on the manufacturer.

Put one foot on the scooter deck and the other on the ground to begin riding. Your preference will determine which foot you place where, however, most adults will place their weaker leg on the deck. Next, push off with one foot on the ground and hold one hand on the handlebar to advance.

The more you twist the accelerator towards yourself, the faster you’ll start to move. Make sure to accelerate slowly, and practice riding your scooter over minimal distances until you get more used to it and understand the speed at which it speeds up.

You’ll begin to travel more quickly the more you turn the accelerator in your direction. To become used to your scooter and learn how fast it accelerates, be sure to start slowly and practice riding it over very short distances at first.

To stop, let the electric scooter roll slowly and pull gently on the handbrake (if it has one), or, if your scooter has a rear brake, softly press down with your back foot on the rear brake of the rear tire. If the scooter has different speed settings, start at the slowest level and stick to low speeds at first while getting a feel for the brakes and accelerator.

Leaning slightly in the desired direction is all it takes to turn. To increase speed, operate the throttle as you would on an electric bike or motorbike, and maintain that pace until you have gained some riding expertise.

Electric scooters are a terrific way to travel about town if you don’t want to deal with traffic. They are also a fantastic alternative for anyone physically unable to ride a motorcycle or bicycle.

Always keep an eye on your mileage and battery life. It might be time to cease riding if the former starts to run low or if the latter reaches its maximum.

Electric scooters are effortless to ride, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll no doubt start to enjoy it right away. There won’t be anything preventing you from becoming an expert at that point!

How long does it take to learn to ride an electric scooter

Most electric scooter riders can learn how to ride it in only 30 minutes or less. If you have ever used a kick scooter, consider how long it took you to get the hang of it. Most likely, this will remain unchanged.

If you have never done so, it may take longer than 30 minutes to become used to riding a two-wheeled vehicle. To assist you in maintaining balance, try to keep an upright posture. Before you begin, make sure you are wearing all the necessary safety gear.

But if you’re accustomed to riding a bike or a motorcycle, you ought to be able to pick it up in about an hour. Reading the owner’s manual should be your first step because it will offer you a better idea of how long it might take.

Best safety practices for riding electric scooters

To ensure your riding is safe, there are a few rather simple things you can do. Get acquainted with the scooter’s parts first, such as the deck and whether the brakes are located on the front wheel or the rear wheel. Get accustomed to your protective gear and the braking power, and when you’re ready to move to two wheels, follow this advice:

Wear safety gear

E-scooter accidents do occur, just like they do with other forms of transportation. Wear protective gear: a helmet, and think about using knee and elbow pads as well. The safest and most efficient approach to keep yourself safe when using an electric scooter is to use knee pads, elbow pads, and a bike helmet.

To prevent future injuries such as foot brake or arm, equip yourself with safety gear that is both lightweight and of really good quality these days.

Observe local traffic laws

Ride on the street rather than the sidewalk as a general rule. It’s forbidden to ride an electric scooter on sidewalks or other pedestrian pathways in the vast majority of states (and even in other nations), and doing so puts other people in danger.

If your city allows e-scooters, stay on the sidewalk and abide by all car traffic regulations!

E-scooters have a high top speed that varies depending on the type. You can move quickly and quietly, which might often make it difficult for people to see as they cross the street.

Therefore, if you wish to ride your electric scooter safely, be sure to follow speed limits for the protection of both you and other road users.

Be extra careful riding an electric scooter in wet weather

Avoid slipping on slick areas like damp grass whenever you can to prevent your wheels from spinning out from under you. Be cautious of your surroundings and become familiar with the route on dry roads before attempting it on wet ones because even wet roads can be challenging to ride until you’re a skilled rider.

Most electric scooter decks have some grip on them to assist you to keep your balance and posture, but until you get the hang of it, it’s advised to wear cozy, form-fitting trainers with grip on them as well.

Keep an eye out for any curbs or steps as an e-scooter could damage them if it hits them while in motion, which could be dangerous for you, the scooter, and the stairs! This advice is general and doesn’t apply only to rainy days, but it is something to be especially mindful of when riding in the rain because it can slow down your stopping speed.

Steering your electric scooter

Low-speed turning

By turning the steering wheel in the desired direction while turning slowly, you may control the direction of the scooter. You may greatly enhance your scooter handling abilities and increase your comfort level on the bike by practicing slow-speed turning.

High-speed turning

You shouldn’t turn the steering wheel when turning at faster speeds. To turn the scooter, you should tilt it. However, you learn more quickly. Just be careful not to sway too much.

Are scooters suitable for people of all ages

Most electric scooters are ideal for older kids and adults because of their compact size. You should be able to use an electric scooter if you are of legal driving age in your state and possess the balance and coordination required to engage in activities like bicycling or skateboarding.

However, it can be beneficial to start with a smaller model if you’re just learning how to ride an electric scooter until your abilities advance to the point where you feel confident trying something more challenging.

Before beginning your scooter journey, you are typically expected to read through the how-to sections provided by rideshare businesses. The seller can provide you with the instructions online if your model is privately owned and you purchased it used.

Try these extra tips for riding your electric scooter

Look where you want to ride

Staring at the front wheel of their scooter or bicycle or at objects they want to avoid is one of the top mistakes new scooter and bicycle riders make. If you keep looking at something, you’ll eventually move directly in its direction! This is a serious error!

Always keep an eye on your destination. Look toward the exit when entering a turn so your scooter will follow you. Instead of focusing on the large pothole in the road when navigating around it, look at the section of the road you wish to travel on.

Always keep an eye out for any hazards like potholes, pedestrians, or oncoming vehicles. You won’t be able to spot any impending hazard if you’re looking down at your wheel, which could result in an accident.

In case, practice shifting your weight to the rear wheel and hopping the front tire over an obstacle by squeezing the steering wheel gently.

Stay relaxed

If you are calm, you can control your scooter a lot better. When you tense up and ride rigidly, the scooter will feel choppy beneath you.

Additionally, steering becomes more difficult and the ride becomes more uncomfortable the more nervous you are.

Learn to maneuver the scooter while remaining calm and allowing it to glide naturally beneath you.

You might need to work on your balance if you are grasping the steering wheel too firmly.

Be aware of your surroundings

Always be conscious of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for any oncoming vehicles, pedestrians, stop signs, and other potential hazards. Watch and listen for traffic behind you, as well as traffic in front of you.


You’ll get better at riding your electric scooter as you put more practice into it. And the more you love it, the better you get. Locate secure areas to practice, such as deserted parking lots, trails, or parks that permit scooters. Practice riding skills using both slower and quicker speeds to become proficient at controlling your electric scooter.

Keep your tires inflated to the right pressure

Every time you go for a ride, make sure your tires are inflated properly. Not only will this improve your ride’s comfort, but it will also lessen the likelihood of tire blowouts.

Watch the weather

When it rains, slick roadways can be dangerous. You must provide sufficient room for halting and accelerating. You might want to avoid riding in any kind of harsh weather because your battery could not last as long in extremely hot or cold conditions.

How to handle flat tires

Your tire could get flat if you run over a pothole, a piece of broken glass, or a nail. Some scooter tires are durable and won’t go flat.

These are less comfortable to ride on than air tires, though.

However, a lot of scooter tires are tubeless. If you use tire sealant, you risk getting a flat without even realizing it. Small holes are intended to be sealed up by the sealant within the tire.

To get your scooter moving again, you’ll need to put in a little labor if you develop a significant hole or a hole in your tube. Here’s an illustration of how to repair a flat on an electric scooter tire.

Lock your scooter

Make sure to lock your scooter if you plan to leave it in a public area to avoid theft. To keep your scooter secure, use a bike lock or scooter lock.

Finally, to ensure a safer and more comfortable ride, you should avoid some of these typical riding errors.

Frequently asked questions

Is riding an electric scooter hard?

Although it may be too generalized, electric vehicles are generally simple. They often include suspension, which makes the ride comfortable and enjoyable. They can be light, have a low center of gravity, and can be very small. The scooter is the easiest way to go around the city.

How do you control an electric scooter?

Once the scooter is unlocked and turned on, you can begin riding:

1. The kickstand is raised. As you lift the kickstand, hold onto the steering wheel.
2. Kick off the beginning of your ride.
3. Firmly depress the throttle.
4. To turn, turn the steering wheel.
5. Brake if necessary.


Electric scooters are not only convenient for commuting but also a lot of fun to ride an electric scooter. The majority of people learn how to ride a scooter quickly and simply. Find a place such as an empty parking lot and start riding an electric scooter and enjoy your journey!

Also Read About How Fast Do Electric Scooters Go?

Bryan O’neal
Bryan O’Neal/ author of the article

I am engaged in the fact that for many years I have been dismantling and studying electrical engineering. I want to say right away that I am not a beginner, and not self-taught.

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