You’re probably familiar with the electric scooter craze that’s been sweeping our nation these past few years. And while they’re a lot of fun, there’s always room for improvement.

How do I make my electric scooter faster? What are e-scooter speed limits? Luckily, we’ve got a few tips to make your next e-scooter ride even faster and cheaper.
Benefits of electric scooters
If you’re looking for an easy way to make your scooter go faster, consider changing the battery. Most batteries last for about eight hours, so you might want to invest in a few backups.
There are a lot of different types and sizes, so it’s important to do your research before you make a purchase.
Different types of electric scooters
There are different scooter models. These distinctions come in the form of size, speed, and range. There are also foldable and non-foldable scooters.
The smaller scooters usually have a lower speed and range. They’re perfect for city living, as they can be easily folded up and carried with you on public transportation or in small spaces.
Larger scooters can go faster and have a longer range, making them better for traveling long distances. However, they’re not as easy to transport and can be quite cumbersome.
How to choose the right electric scooter?
You might be wondering how to choose the right electric scooter for your needs. There are a few factors to consider when making your decision.
First, think about what you’ll be using your scooter for. If you’re just going to use it for short trips around town, then you don’t need a model that can go long distances.

Conversely, if you’re looking for something to take on long rides, you’ll need a scooter with a greater range.
Second, consider your budget. There is a wide range of prices when it comes to electric scooters, from budget-friendly models to more expensive options. Choose the one that fits your needs and your budget.
Finally, think about how fast you want your scooter to go. Some scooter models are more speed hack capable than others.
Some e-scooters can go up to 25 miles per hour, while others have a top speed of around 10 mph. Choose the speed limits that are right for you.
How to maintain electric scooter speed?
Bottom Line: Maintaining your electric scooter’s speed is not as difficult as you might think. Make sure to check it regularly and service it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Top speed depends heavily on battery power, so keep your batteries charged and replace them as necessary. You can invest in higher quality batteries that offer more power and thus higher speed.
Choosing the right size and weight battery
The battery is an essential component of electric scooters. Its size and weight will determine how far and fast you can go.
The heavier the battery, the more power it will consume, which means more energy for acceleration.
If you choose a lighter battery with a smaller capacity, your scooter will be able to reach higher top speeds but have a shorter range.
Cost efficiency of electric scooters
If you are looking for ways to make your electric scooter faster and more cost-efficient, it is important to consider the power and battery of the scooter. A powerful motor will allow for more speed.
The battery should have a long duration for a longer time on the road. The battery should also be easy to recharge, so you won’t have to worry about stopping along the way.
Another important factor is the weight of your scooter – lighter models reduce drag and make it easier to accelerate quickly.
It’s also important to look at how much energy an electric scooter uses when traveling since this could factor into its overall cost efficiency.
Electric scooters that use regenerative braking can help reduce unnecessary energy consumption, meaning you will save money in the long run.
All things considered, electric scooters are a great way to get around quickly and cost-effectively, making them perfect for commuters who don’t want to spend their hard-earned money on petrol or public transport fares.
Factors that impact electric scooter speed
Weight is one of the most important factors that determine the speed of your electric scooter. Heavier bikes will take more energy to accelerate, meaning they’ll be slower.
Meanwhile, lighter scooters will require less power and will be able to reach higher speeds more easily.
The battery is the other key element that affects your scooter’s speed—a larger battery will mean more power, which translates into faster speeds.

In addition, the scooter’s motor and controller are two other components that can affect the performance of an electric scooter.
If you have a powerful motor and controller, they should both be able to handle increased loads so you can go faster and further.
And if you want to make sure your electric scooter can reach top speed, it’s important to keep these components well-maintained and in good condition.
Tips to make an electric scooter faster
Achieving a faster speed on an electric scooter can be simple when following a few tips. To make your ride smooth, start by replacing the electric scooter battery with a higher-voltage battery pack.
Many scooter batteries last up to a maximum of 700 charging cycles, which is roughly 3 years of use. After that life span, the battery will be unable to hold the charge and therefore reduce the maximum speed.
Investing in a new battery pack can help you to achieve higher torque with more power and faster speeds.

Another tip to increase maximum speed is shifting gears on time. Electric scooters come with multiple gear options, allowing riders to switch between them and gain more speed.
As you become comfortable with shifting gears, it is recommended to learn them before actually trying them while driving your electric scooter. Safety should always be your top priority while driving a faster electric scooter.
Finally, consider changing the tires for better performance or replacing them when necessary. Check out all available upgrades to make your experience thrilling!
Safety tips for riding an electric scooter
Electric scooters can indeed help you get to your destination faster, but the most important thing is to stay safe. Here are a few tips for riding an electric scooter safely:
- Wear a helmet at all times. Safety should always be your top priority when riding an electric scooter.
- Check your brakes before every ride, and make sure that they are in good working order.
- Before taking off, use the kickstart to test the right and left balance of your scooter.
- Make sure that your speed is appropriate for the road conditions and traffic.
- Always be aware of cars and pedestrians around you, and never drive recklessly or beyond your skill level.
- Make sure that you can always see where you’re going, and look out for any upcoming obstacles on the road.
What parts can be modified to make an electric scooter go faster?
The next step to making your electric scooter faster is modifying the parts. That might sound a bit daunting, but it’s not that hard to do. Start by replacing the stock motor with a more powerful one.

You should also look into replacing the battery with a larger capacity and higher voltage battery. This will give you a longer range and more power.
You can also modify other parts such as the speed controller, throttle, chain, and wheels to increase your scooters speed. The wheels work well because they can help you gain traction, while larger chains will reduce drag on your tires and increase performance.
Finally, upgrading the speed controller can help you customize your speed depending on different terrain types and weather conditions.
Change the battery
If you’re looking for an easy way to make your scooter go faster, consider changing the battery. Most batteries last for about eight hours, so you might want to invest in a few backups.
There are a lot of different types and sizes, so it’s important to do your research before you make a purchase.
Beat the cut-off voltage
The speed of your electric scooter is directly related to the voltage of its battery. So, if you want to make your scooter go faster, you need to increase the voltage.
You could buy a new battery that has a higher voltage or you could hack your current battery. We’ve got a detailed guide on how to do this, but be warned – it’s not for the faint of heart.
Remove speed limiter
There’s one easy way to make your e-scooter go a little bit faster: remove the speed limiter. This is a small piece of plastic or metal that’s inserted into the scooter’s motor to keep motor power from going too fast.
If you remove the wired speed limiter, your scooter will have no trouble reaching its maximum speeds.
Note that removing the speed limiters is not necessarily safe, and it’s not recommended for beginners. If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, take your scooter to a professional and have them do it for you.

You should be aware that there are two types of speed limiters on any electric scooter: Hard wired and firmware.
Removing hard-wired speed limiter
The hard-wired speed limiter is usually a wire that connects the throttle and controller and limits the controller’s power to the motors. When the wire is removed or unplugged, then you will effectively remove all power limitations from the controller.
You should investigate whether your scooter has a hard-wire speed limiter, and if it does, you can remove it to unlock extra speed power.
Removing firmware speed limiter
The firmware speed limiter will usually be implemented at a control panel level or LCD panel or in the controller’s software.
On larger or more powerful scooters with colorized LCD control panels, you’ll be able to access speed and power output settings through “P SETTINGS”.
Motor Power (P8)and Acceleration Speed (P12) are among the most common P Settings associated with power limiting.
On electric scooters below $500-$1000 with very basic LCD panels, you’re more likely to unlock the firmware limiter via software flashing over Bluetooth apps.
It’s best to refer to your electric scooter’s manufacturer or consult some worthy forums, to determine which method is best for your model.
Make the scooter lighter
What’s the best way to make one’s electric scooter faster? Make it lighter. The heavier the scooter, the more energy it takes to move it. So, reducing the weight of your scooter can have a tremendous effect on its performance.
One is to take out any unnecessary components such as lights or reflectors. You could also switch out heavier parts like your wheels and handlebars for lighter versions.

And if you’re going for speed, you may want to invest in lighter-weight batteries and motors.
Swap the components
If your scooter has a low-end 250-watt motor, consider upgrading to a more powerful 500-watt motor. If your battery is starting to feel a bit sluggish, upgrade the battery to something with a higher amp hour rating.
This will not only make your scooter faster but also last longer so you don’t have to worry about charging as often. You can also try upgrading the gear ratio or adding aerodynamic components like fairings and windscreens. Just make sure whatever components you choose are compatible before making any swaps.
Switch to the fastest mode
If you’re looking for more speed on your electric scooter, one of the easiest ways to get it is to switch to the fastest mode. Of course, this will probably use more battery power, so you may want to make sure you’re in a place where you can charge up quickly.
There are a few third-party parts available that allow you to increase or decrease the amount of power delivered to the motor.
Replace the battery management system
You can replace your scooter’s battery with one that is more efficient and allows for more current flow. This will enable the battery to run at its full capacity, which in turn, will make your scooter faster.
You can also opt for highly conductive aftermarket cables, so you don’t need to worry about having to replace the entire BMS every time you want a boost of speed. Make sure to get a compatible BMS system though; otherwise, your new system might not work.
Upgrade the old battery of your scooter
If you’re still using the same battery that your scooter came with, upgrade to a higher-capacity one. A higher capacity battery means more power, translating into more speed and acceleration.

Do some research to find out what kind of battery would work best for your setup. Good batteries are an investment but they’ll last much longer than cheaper options.
Give a little effort and change your scooter’s cruise control or its mode
With a few tweaks, you can add more power and get an extra boost in maximum speed out of your motor.
Some companies like Dualtron offer excellent bolt-on upgrades that can improve acceleration, range, stability, and more. If you’re feeling adventurous, consider upgrading some of the parts of your electric scooter.
Tune the motor or just change it and never forget to rewind
Tuning up the motor of your electric scooter can make a huge difference in its speed. If you’re comfortable tinkering with internal components, you can look into replacing or rebuilding the motor. This could help increase torque and the top speed of your scooter.
There are a lot of options out there, including brushless motors that are quieter and more efficient. Just make sure you know how to rewind motor for optimum performance.
A second battery can be installed if necessary
Installing a second battery isn’t difficult, but it will require some technical know-how. Some electric scooters can accept two batteries, so be sure to check your user manual.
It should take no more than 10 minutes, but be sure you know what you’re doing before you begin.
In the end, it’s really up to the individual rider to focus on speed and efficiency when using their electric scooter.
There are a lot of ways to make an electric scooter go faster, but it ultimately comes down to the rider’s skills and techniques.
We hope that this article has helped outline some of the best ways to make your e-scooter journey faster and more efficient. Wonder How to lock electric scooter, read. Thanks for reading!
With this guide, you now know how to make your electric scooter faster and cheaper.
You may also have some questions about riding an electric scooter that haven’t been covered in this guide. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we get:
Is it safe to ride an electric scooter on the road?
Yes, with certain precautions. Make sure you wear a reflective vest and follow all relevant traffic laws when riding an electric scooter.
Is it worth investing in an electric scooter?
Yes! Electric scooters provide convenience and efficiency while also being cost-effective and environmentally friendly.
Is there a limit to how fast my electric scooter can go?
Generally, most electric scooters can reach speeds up to 25 mph (40 km/h). With modifications, such as professional tuning or adding a larger battery, you can boost your speed further.
Can I increase the speed of my electric scooter?
Simply add a battery to maintain a higher scooter speed for longer. Some scooters have battery slots. If so, connect the two batteries to power the machine with massive capacity.
How do you remove the speed limiter on an electric scooter?
Typically, the removal of speed limit controls is as easy as removing the sensor – usually quite quickly – and cleaning them off when you disconnect their cables. Sometimes Phillips head screws can be needed.
Can an electric scooter go 30 mph?
Adult electric scooters average 26 mph/42 kmh. E-scooters typically reach 15 mph/25 kmh. Many can go faster, with the fastest electric scooter reaching its top speed of 100 mph/160 kmh.
Can an electric scooter go 70 mph?
Today, 20-70 mph e-scooters have impressive features. Companies have flooded the market with high-speed electric scooters as fast riders demand them.