
Hello, everyone! My name is Bryan O’Neal, and I’ve been involved in dismantling and studying electrical engineering for many years. I hold a degree in electrical engineering, so you can trust that the advice shared on my blog is professional and reliable.

Until recently, I used to rent scooters for leisurely rides. However, a few years ago, I decided to purchase my own scooter for commuting to work. It has been a great time and money saver, as scooters consume significantly less fuel compared to cars.

Lately, I’ve been particularly fond of electric scooters, and my girlfriend Sophie and friends are always supportive, making our rides in large parks enjoyable.

Throughout my life, I have tried numerous scooters from various manufacturers. That’s why I decided to create this blog to share with you the pros and cons of vehicles from different companies. We’ll evaluate not only the external features but also analyze the internal characteristics to help you find the best option.

I hope you find my advice valuable. If you own a scooter model that hasn’t been covered in my blog yet, feel free to let me know in the comments. My girlfriend Sophie and I blog together, and we’ll try to consider your vehicle as well.

This blog won’t only focus on the best scooter models. We’ll also discuss the key parameters to consider when buying a scooter and explore options for improving existing vehicles. Let’s become friends and support each other on this journey!
