E scooter vs. bike: what are the differences? 

Now more and more people are buying personal electric vehicles in addition to regular cars, as this is a very convenient and fast way to get around, especially if you live in a city where there are a huge number of chargers. Some examples of such electric vehicles are electric scooters and bikes, which are more portable than regular cars.

An e-scooter and an e-bike have an electric motor, thanks to which they can consume energy from the battery without using other resources, such as fuel. Moreover, now there are even options for using e-scooter and e-bikes for rent, for example, if you need to quickly get from one place to another and there is no way to call a taxi.

In the case when they want to buy e-bikes or scooters, they have a question, how exactly do they differ? Since both vehicles have almost the same activating methods, people don’t understand whether they should consider buying an e-scooter or focusing on an e-bike.

If this problem is relevant to you, then this article will help you. Below you can find out what e-bikes and e-scooters are in general and the main differences between them in different situations. What’s more, you’ll know exactly when to use an electric bike or scooter.

What are an e-scooter and bike? 

Before you start discussing the differences between e-bikes and scooters, it’s worth taking a closer look at the very concept of an e-scooter or e-bike. E-bike and e-scooter, although they seem to be the same product, however, when studying the definitions, you will understand that they initially represent two completely different devices.

Below you can find a detailed description of these two vehicles, which use two wheels and electricity to move.

Electric scooter

An electric scooter is a scooter that uses an electric motor and a rechargeable battery. It does not have pedals or a seat, it can only be controlled using the handles of the steering wheel or special buttons.

Most electric scooters allow users not only to ride with electric power but also to add speed with foot movements, just like non-electric scooters.

Electric bike

Electric bikes are electric bicycles that, in addition to pedals, have an electric motor allowing the user to increase speed using buttons or a steering wheel.

What’s more, electric bikes are great for people who love being active and speedy but don’t want to buy a motorcycle and have a portable mode of transport like electric mountain bikes.

What are the advantages of having e scooter or e-bike? 

Before buying an e-bike and e-scooter, you must determine exactly whether the advantages of this mode of transport will be useful to you. To begin with, e scooter and e bike are portable devices. You can take them with you to your apartment or transport them by car.

Also, they have almost no negative impact on the environment, like conventional vehicles that use harmful fuel. What’s more, e scooter and e bike have fewer mechanical parts, which means they need less lubrication and maintenance.

E-bikes and e-scooters, unlike cars, can be used on any type of paved roads, such as sidewalks.

Differences between electric scooters and electric bikes 

Finally, we come to the main issue of this article, namely, how the average electric scooter differs from the average electric bike.

Below you can find the list of differences between an electric scooter vs electric bike and a description of each of them. 

Top speed 

The first is of course the speed, namely the maximum speed and average speed limit of e-bikes and e-scooters.

Let’s start with the fact that the speed depends on the size of the motor. e-bikes have smaller motors and therefore their top speed is limited to 25 mph, while e scooters top speed can go up to 50 mph, which is almost the speed of motorcycles.

Riding style

Already by the design of e-bikes and e-scooters, you can understand that the style of riding them is completely different.

To begin with, using an e-scooter you can also add your physical strength to increase speed.

Moreover, you will not need road signs if you drive slowly on the sidewalk.

Riding an e-bike completely repeats the style of cycling. You will be able to add physical strength in the same way if you pedal, for example, if you need to ride uphill with an e-bike. However, when driving fast on the road, you should pay attention to road signs such as brake lights.


The safety of e-bikes and e-scooters is a major consideration when choosing a vehicle, as you need to protect not only yourself but also other riders. E-scooters have advantages here, because, firstly, it is easy to go around obstacles on the road, and secondly, you can safely jump off the scooter if it suddenly stops working normally.

On the other hand, safety options are built into the e-bike, such as brake lights or turn signals, which help the e-bike user to quickly pass cars while on the road and at high speed.


Portability is an advantage for both e-bikes and e-scooters, but even in this respect, they have differences. Let’s start with the fact that the e-bike is a large device, which is only slightly smaller than a motorcycle, which is why it is worth considering in advance exactly where the e-bike will be stored, since you cannot simply fold it.

Most e-scooter users do not face the problem of a place for the scooter, since it is not large in itself, and in case the user needs to hide it somewhere, he can use the transformation function, in which the steering wheel, along with the stick, is attached to the bottom panel on which you stand. However, this feature is not available on all scooters.


A very important factor is how long you can ride e-bikes or e-scooters with a full charge. With a full charge in the beginning, the e-bike can travel up to a hundred miles, while the scooter can travel a maximum of 40 miles. The e-bike takes advantage here, as it can be used for longer distances when charged.

However, in the case of a scooter, you will need to calculate the distance in advance to accurately get to the place you need and not stop halfway. Of course, if an e-bike or e-scooter sits down, you can try to carry them yourself, however, with the weight of the motor, this will be difficult.


Not only do e-bikes and e-scooters differ in their design and range, but there is also a price difference between the two electric vehicles. E-bikes are more expensive, their price tag can go up to $5,000 and start at $500, while the most expensive scooter costs $2,000 and the cheapest $300.

The price difference is justified as the e-bike is used for a wide range of speeds and distances, however, if you want to use electric transport for recreation and short distances, it is better not to overpay for an e-bike, but to choose a scooter.


E-bikes and e-scooters are very comfortable means of transportation, but even here it all depends on the distance you want to travel. If you need to travel long distances all the time, then an e-bike will be more convenient for you, as you will just have to sit.

However, on the other hand, the seating position on an e-bike is not comfortable for all people, so if it is easier for you to stand while moving and still has access to a stop at any moment, it is better to choose a scooter.


For commuting, both e-bikes and e-scooters are fine, but they have different advantages and disadvantages when it comes to business travel. The e-scooter is a light and handy device that allows you to easily pass obstacles on the pavement without having to think about where to put the scooter.

An e-bike is suitable for longer distances, moreover, it will be a convenient option if you need to go to another place during the working day, which, for example, is further away or the road to it is more convenient for an e-bike than a scooter.


Even though both e-bikes and e-scooters have a small number of mechanical parts that require maintenance, they still differ even in terms of maintenance.

An e-scooter will surprisingly need maintenance more often as it has more parts that can wear out.

However, on the other hand, the e-bike is much more expensive and the e-bike accessories are too, which affects the good performance. If you use the e-scooter and e-bike within the range of miles that are guaranteed by the manufacturers, there should be no problems with their maintenance.


How long e-bikes and e-scooters will last depends directly on your use, but initially, they have built-in characteristics that determine the duration of their work.

On the one hand, e-scooter manufacturers guarantee a longer device life, since all you need to do is recharge and maintain the scooter.

On the other hand, your e-bicycle is almost independent of battery life, since it has a built-in battery and an electric motor, which allows you to ride an e-bicycle for several hours even with zero charges. Constant recharging of the device can also lead to frequent wear of the internal system.

Environmental impact 

And finally, we need to discuss what exactly is better to choose e-bikes or e scooters if you want to not harm the environment.

It is difficult to answer here since both e scooter and bike riders do not harm the environment in the same amount, since they do not use resources, the release of which can harm nature.

It all depends on what is more convenient for you, on the one hand, batteries and disposal of both e-bikes and e-scooters cannot be made completely environmentally friendly, but if used correctly, you will in any case reduce the percentage of waste.

When should you use e-bikes and e-scooters?

After we have discussed all the differences between an e-bike and electric scooter usage, you need to understand when exactly it is better to use one or another type of electric vehicle, so that when buying, you do not spend money on something that you will not use to the fullest. Below you can find a description of e-bicycles and scooters on the field of their use.


We’ll start with e-bikes. E-bikes are ideal for long distances, as their battery lasts up to 100 miles, which could well be compared with the usual route of fuel transport drivers. Also, the e-bike is suitable for outdoor activities.

If the road you are on consists of constant climbs and additional loads in the form of obstacles, electric bicycles are ideal for you, as they are quite powerful. On the other hand, e-bikes are not particularly compact and you will not be able to freely ride an e-bike in the city centre and on the sidewalk.

E scooters

E-scooters are great vehicles for getting around quickly in places where you can only walk, like parks or sidewalks. What’s more, e-scooters are light and therefore for e-scooter riders easier to manage and manoeuvre in the city centre where there are a lot of facilities.

On the other hand, electric scooter riders will have to constantly face the problem of steep uphill climbs and also charging, since the e-scooter cannot work long distances.


Is electric bike better than scooter?

It all depends on how exactly you want to use your e-bike or e-scooter. If you just need transport for short distances in the city, then choose an e-scooter.

However, if you want to travel long distances without worrying about charging and still follow the rules of the road, then an e-bike is the way to go.

Which is safer electric bike or scooter?

E-bikes are safer in terms of trails or roads where you need to move fast enough to avoid bumping into other drivers.

On the other hand, the e-scooter is ideal for safe and slow movement in the city, since most e-scooter users can simply stop the scooter and get off it in case of an obstacle.

Does an electric scooter go faster than a bike?

No, an e-bicycle can go up to 50 mph while an e-scooter can only go up to 25 mph.

However, this difference can only be compared to e-bikes and scooters from the same manufacturer, as some companies may make their focus on the speed on e scooter or e bicycle separately so that e scooter from one company may be faster than electric bicycle from other.

Is an electric scooter better than a bike for commuting?

It all depends on the distance you need to travel to get to your place of work. If this distance is short and located in a city, an e-scooter is better for you.

However, if you need to travel a long distance and have a clear arrival time, then it is better to use an e-bike, as it has a bigger amount of miles guaranteed on the full battery power and it’s max speed is higher than in e scooter, so it would be a better option of you have a limited period of time.


E-bikes and scooters are ideal transportation options for those people who care about the environment but also want to quickly get from one place to another. However, even between such seemingly identical devices, there is a difference that determines whether this particular e-scooter or bike is really what you need.

We hope that after reading this article you understand the difference between e bike and e scooter. Moreover, now you know exactly what is the best option for your electric scooter VS e-bike and in what situation it is better to use each of them.

Bryan O’neal
Bryan O’Neal/ author of the article

I am engaged in the fact that for many years I have been dismantling and studying electrical engineering. I want to say right away that I am not a beginner, and not self-taught.

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